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Embracing Existential Wisdom:
Guiding Leadership with Compassionate Love


A personal appeal to leaders, visionaries, and architects of our shared journey.

Wow, what a time to be making decisions that ripple through the tapestry of our shared existence! Your choices aren't just confined to boardrooms or political arenas—they resonate through time, creating waves of impact that touch us all.

Compassion in Action: Transcending Logical Choices

Consider, for a moment, the historical echoes of decisions like the once seemingly innocent White Australia Policy. Intended to preserve a particular cultural vibe, it ended up birthing the painful 'stolen generations.' It's a stark reminder that decisions, however well-meant, need a closer look.

Wisdom, it appears, is a dance between intention and consequence, a delicate balance that often hinges on something quite simple—love. Not the mushy, personal kind, but a deep, existential love for humanity and our world.

This kind of love translates into compassion—the magic ingredient that turns decisions from merely logical to ethically resonant. It gently guides us away from the pitfalls of good intentions gone astray.

The Journey Within: Soul-Searching for Leadership Wisdom

Now, the big question: how do we tap into this inner well of love and wisdom? It starts with some serious soul-searching. We need to dig deep into the motives behind our decisions. In the quiet moments of self-awareness, we can separate the nuggets of wisdom from the noise of well-meaning but maybe misguided choices.

This inner journey might get uncomfortable, questioning assumptions and embracing vulnerability. But hey, growth is often found in those uncomfortable spaces. Meditation, mindfulness, and intentional moments of reflection can be your trusty tools on this journey, helping you feel the pulse of existential wisdom guiding your choices.

Tools for Transformation: Embracing Existential Wisdom

To you, our global leaders, the weight of decision-making must feel like Atlas carrying the world. But here's the thing: the true measure of wisdom isn't just in how the world reacts to your decisions but in how your own heart softens in the process. Embrace the transformative power of existential wisdom, let love be your North Star, and light up a path to a future where leadership isn't just powerful but profoundly wise.
Deb Maes editor of five deadliest sin

Deb Maes | WRITOR

Deb is like a magician in the way she is able to discern the exact key to unlock more of the untapped potential in leaders.

The compelling Leading team is not only passionate but highly skilled and experienced at supporting global leaders to access and apply wisdom in their work and lives. Please reach out to us if you would like to know more about our work.