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First Global Team Gathering in Sydney

MAY 2023  | By Deb Maes

One of the great evenings of our lives; The Compelling Leading team coming together from across the globe. Everyone made such an effort.

Virtually from around the world was:

  • Warren Redman MCC, author of Emotional Fitness Coaching and founder of the Emotional Fitness Institute joining at 6.30 am from Canada,
  • Dr Gene Early, Partner at Leaders Quest and world’s foremost expert on 10X mindset, prep’d a video, as 5.30 am in Virginia USA wasn’t possible,
  • Eleni Palas, MBA, PCC Founder of Leaders4Good and author of Human Centric Leading joined from DC again early in the morning,
  • Tristan Soames in Ibiza, a master at behavioural modeling, while juggling prep for a retreat has had a life event to attend to,
  • Dr Steve Barlow, founder of the Change Fitness Gym, was virtually with us on the Gold Coast,
  • Dr Peter Thompson from almost outback NSW in Grenfell - west of Cowra and Young, managed to overcome Telstra’s wonky connection problems by sending in a video,
  • Keegan Hayden, our dedicated IT support (amongst many other inspirational things) zoomed in from Tamworth, and
  • Alexis Jane, who planned for so long, got the flu and had to zoom in ;-(

Managing to be actually in the room was:

  • Wendy Quinn, senior lecturer at UTAS, author of the Quinn Model for Guiding Transformational Leadership Journey, and managing director of WJ Quinn Consulting, fortunately was in Sydney,
  • Sam Kassis, Abundant Mindset extraordinaire,
  • Sylvi Soe, Producer/Social Impact Documentary Filmmaker, and our youngest team member Tayte Maes, who supports with anything she can.

Tayte, Wendy, Deb


Sam & Deb

The evening was inspiring and enlightening and a beginning of something truly astounding. We considered the example of one proud Eora woman, Barangaroo;

She knew WHO she was and stayed true to that. One example of her courage to stand for her values was an occasion when a convict was being flogged for stealing her hunting and fishing gear.

She did not hold to the same European ideas about possessions and threatened the executioner with a flogging of his own.

This is how bold and impactful we can be when we know deeply Who we are. This is one form of leadership and there are many other kinds - some helpful and others very destructive.

I shared my visions with the team, something I claimed more than a decade ago, ‘I want to support leaders. I believe that we are all good in our essence - and when we can access that innate goodness we do things better - things become whole and healed. If this could be brought to those with the largest domain of influence, this is the greatest good we can do in the world’.

Where this came from I do not know but here began my quest to consider what these leaders need to do the inner transformation that transforms the outer conditions, and this quest lead to finding all of you and the development of the Compelling Leading System.

Wendy & Deb

Dr Gene Early

Wendy, Deb, Sam

Tayte & Deb

Sylvi & Deb

Since then I have come to be surrounded by many impressive people from around the globe that have inspired and supported the creation of the Compelling Leading System, yet many of them do not know of each other.

Each shared what they felt it meant to be a compelling leader, and in what ways they embody that.

What occurred here, I would humbly say, was a gathering of highly evolved souls each in their own way transcendent.

And the evening was a first step in bringing them all together to meet and discover what greater potential can emerge.

Appreciating that being the global thought leader, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to find like-minded people that can lift and support continued evolution.

We also gathered to inspire a process - a space - for them to do this for each other.

Deb Maes editor of five deadliest sin

Deb Maes | WRITER

Deb Maes, M.A.Com is a Master Coach and the Lead Coach at Compelling Leading. She is like a magician in the way she is able to discern the exact key to unlock more of the untapped potential in leaders. 

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